Trump calls Clinton a "monster," suggests she is "brainwashed."

时间:2024-09-23 04:27:14 来源:泸州新闻网

As Donald Trump faces troubles in the polls and within his own party, the Republican presidential candidate seems to have honed in on a strategy: attack Hillary Clinton’s character as much as possible. He took insults against Clinton “to another level,” as Politico puts it, on Friday night when he called her “a monster” and “unstable” in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Earlier, in Des Moines, Iowa, Trump called Clinton such choice words as “unbalanced,” “unstable,” and “dangerous,” warning that if she’s elected it would lead to “the destruction of this country from within.”

“Unstable Hillary Clinton, lacks the judgment, temperament and moral character to lead this country, and I believe that so strongly,” Trump said. “She’s really pretty close to unhinged, and you’ve seen, you’ve seen it a couple times. The people in the background know it, the people who know her know it and she’s like an unbalanced person.”


He doubled down on Saturday, taking to Twitter to suggest that Clinton is “brainwashed” continuing the theme of saying that the former secretary of state is both weak and incredibly dangerous at the same time. Trump seized on Clinton’s statement on Friday that she may have “short-circuited” answers about her emails.

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The Republican presidential candidate went on:  


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