Interview: Chasing sunlight with the "Godfather of Solar"

时间:2024-09-22 11:27:34 来源:泸州新闻网

A lot has changed in the production of solar energy since Ron Corio first entered the game 37 years ago. Known to some as the "Godfather of Solar" for a combination of Italian heritage, New Jersey upbringing and enduring presence in the solar industry, Corio has seen demand grow, costs plummet and new technologies to draw maximum power from the sun emerge. We sat down with the CIO (Chief Innovation Officer) of Array Technologies in Melbourne to discuss the latest innovations in the realm of solar tracking, and what the future may hold for this increasingly vital form of renewable energy.

Corio was in town showing off a shiny new tracking technology built to control the orientation of large solar arrays modules on the fly. Using machine learning algorithms, this so-called SmarTrack system familiarizes itself with the conditions of the site and makes adjustments to extract as much solar power as it can, getting better at that task as time goes on.

We got hold of Corio at the All Energy conference, and picked his brains on the finer details of this new system, the role of industry players like Tesla and the path forward for renewable energy. What follows is a transcript of our chat, edited for length and clarity.
