Iran complies with resolution on North Korea, prepares implementation report: ambassador

时间:2024-09-22 04:33:43 来源:泸州新闻网
Iran is "completely" complying with the latest resolution that the U.N. Security Council adopted in the wake of North Korea's nuclear and long-range missile tests earlier this year, Iran's top diplomat in Seoul said.

Hassan Taherian also said that Iran will submit its own action plan that will specify how Tehran will implement its sanctions in the near future in tandem with the ongoing efforts to put pressure on the North to abandon its provocative behavior.

"We are completely complying with that resolution and we are making all those restriction or limitation... based on that resolution," Taherian said in a recent interview with Yonhap News TV, a broadcasting unit of Yonhap News Agency. The interview is to air on Friday.

"We're preparing the report of our activity and our efforts for the implementation of that resolution and later on we are going to submit that report to the security council," he added.

In response to a follow-up question asking if it will be submitted in the near future, he said, "Of course."

It is very rare for Iran to submit any kind of implementation reports in connection with resolutions imposed on North Korea's nuclear and missile provocations.

In March, the UNSC asked the 193 member countries to draw up their own plans on how to enforce the sanctions on the North under its latest resolution adopted in the wake of Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test and a long-range missile launch in January and February.

They were required to submit the plans within 90 days of the UNSC adopting the resolution. That fell on June 2, though it is not a mandatory deadline.

China, the biggest ally to North Korea, recently submitted its own report, joining more than three dozen countries in compiling their action plans including the United States and Russia.

Mentioning Tehran's experience of managing to reach a landmark nuclear deal with global powers last year, which has been leading to the lifting of years-long sanctions on itself, the ambassador said that situations are quite different between Iran and North Korea, but there might be one thing that they share on how to resolve the matter--"diplomacy."

"From the first day we said that we didn't want to have any nuclear weapon and we are already in the way of the peaceful use of nuclear activity... It is completely different from our situation with the North Korea situation because they said they want to have nuclear weapon and already four times they tested nuclear weapon," he said.

"But altogether from the discussion... or the nuclear deal we had with those powers, I can say that the negotiation... or we should let diplomacy work. We should let negotiation work and hopefully the Korean issue also will be resolved through the negotiation... Hopefully this is the things we can get. This is the message we can get from the nuclear deal we had with those countries," he added.

On the relations with South Korea, the ambassador emphasized that both countries have enjoyed "very good" and "friendly" ties for a long period of time and the future remains quite bright.

"We have a long record of connection between Iran and Korea and after 1962 the establishment of the diplomatic relations also we are enjoying very good and very friendly relation with your country," Taherian said. "The atmosphere is very friendly for having good relations with your country."

The ambassador praised South Korean companies for maintaining a high level of integrity in Iran by always making good on promises, a key element he cited as a reason to be optimistic for their future outlook in the Iranian market.

"They are very committed and they are finishing the project and they are transferring the project to the Iranian on time and for the Korean products, their quality is very good and pricewise competitive," he said.

"It means that Korean companies or Korean brands they are very popular, they are very famous and they are very reputed in Iran and they can enjoy all these assets when they want to work and increase their engagement in the Iranian market," the envoy added.

Iran's top diplomat in Seoul also expressed hopes that not just businesses, but also tourists and even young job seekers would tap into the Iranian market where they would enjoy more safety, stability and hospitality than they might experience in other regions.

"I don't see any difficulty for the Korean youngsters and workers to go to Iran and to work in Iran. I'm sure that they will enjoy the new society or different society from Korea and with a good atmosphere. I'm sure that they can enjoy and have a good time when they're staying in Iran, residing in Iran and working in Iran," he noted. (Yonhap)